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Mahlzeit!, since 2021 graphite on Paper and graphite, acrylic on Cotton / 70 x 100 cm or 100 cm x 70 cm

It's a drawing series of still lifes on paper.

The picture shows a lying cut up beetroot on a plate or table. And a tennis ball supporting one half of the beetroot. In addition, I have poured or spilled some beetroot juice on the second half of the beetroot for a "little" colour accent.

Inspired by the style of 17th century Dutch dining still lifes, especially 'Het Monochrome Banketje' with its main representatives Pieter Claesz and Willem Claesz. Heda. This are not paintings as with Claesz, but this time drawings with graphite and eraser. Another special feature is that some of the objects/fruits are shown disproportionately enlarged.

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I fold my Bread 2019/2020 Video, 11:33 min

Es ist ein Video über einen wichtigen Teil meiner Arbeit: Brot. Ich falte ein sehr dünnes arabisches Fladenbrot wie ein Bettlaken. Das Falten erfolgt in vier Schritten, auch der Bildschirm wird viermal geteilt.

Dieses Video ist eine Hommage an Dora Maurer, im speziellen zu einer ihrer Videoarbeiten aus den 1970er Jahren.

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f∗∗∗∗∗g babble about food, 2019 digitalprint on PVC or Paper / size variable

It is a series of digital drawings with evil/cheeky texts about food.

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really lecker, 2018 Foam, plastic, metal, paper, bread / 100 cm x 120 cm x 200 cm

Korean restaurants present showcases of fake food. Intended for viewing before ordering. I playfully connect the Korean with the European culture. I present pastry food, bread made of foam ... and a real one.

This was a four-week residency project in collaboration with the Hansung University Seoul / South Korea and the Bosslet class of the Dresden University of Fine Arts. We worked in Seoul for three weeks with a subsequent exhibition week.

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SELECTED KITCHEN SOUNDS, since 2017 It´s an Audiowork for Art-Spaces, ... Field Recordings - Sounds of Kitchen - Compositions were edited with my computer. Musical Soundscapes intensify the Kitchen Sounds.

This artwork is in the tradition of Electroacoustic Music(--> Wikipedia).

LAIB, 2017
bread sculptures, bread dough, salt, baking paper / 500 cm x 800 cm (size per sculpture about 35 cm ø and 40-60 cm height)

poster, digital printing on PVC / size per image 168 cm x 118 cm

... with his food-consuming sculptures, which he baked in old oil barrels, he points to the absurdity that arises from the overproduction of a basic food which is even used as a fuel.

"Nichts ist, wie es scheint" - Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten, July 2017 - #Susanne Magister

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El Chef De Cuisine, 2016 digitaldruck on pvc / size variable

It is a series of digital Photo Collages about food, foodstuff, design of the glossy magazines.

Surreal Collages about food - created without photos of food. Photos I found on google-search - images only from the internet!

DIASHOW - Please click here! Thanks!

Shop Seats Shop Seats Shop Seats Shop Seats Shop Seats Shop Seats Shop Seats Shop Seats Shop Seats Shop Seats Shop Seats Shop Seats

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Advertising, Society and Industry, 2015 digitaldruck on pvc / size variable

It is a series of political art posters of different themes about foodstuff industry for examble food advertising and economic and social standards and norms, but also about the handling of food, the origin and the cultivation of foods.

Shop Seats Shop Seats Shop Seats Shop Seats Shop Seats Shop Seats Shop Seats

Burger-Porn, 2015 Video, 09:15 min

You see me eating a hamburger. On the side, I'm watching a porn video on my smartphone. So simple! No more and no less!

It´s a fact! No emotions!

The food is not more important than the film!

It's my homage to Pop Art and Andy Warhol, but with a current time reference!

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L´OCRE, 2013/14

sculpture: paste wax, pigments, wire, paper, 80 x 350 x 220 cm drawings: 100 cm x 140 cm and 100 cm x 100cm

It´s a series of drawings and one sculpture about the nature of the South of France.

Shop Seats

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New Objects, 2012/13

graphite on special-protective paper 100 cm x 140 cm

A series of drawings about architecture, form, material, reduction and alienation.

Shop Seats Shop Seats Shop Seats Shop Seats Shop Seats Shop Seats

info | contact

Daniel Grams is passionate about food and baking artistic, experimental bread.

"Eating is a necessity, but savouring is an art." - Francois de la Rochefoucauld

The important Topic in his work are Food, Enjoyment / Savouring (of Food, Music, Nature), Foodindustry and Society. His exploration of food can be seen in drawings, videos, experienced in sculptures or even enjoyed audibly.

Sound compositions are important to him and his work. Sounds from the kitchen, cooking, eating - the process itself, nature and human habitats.

"In this context, I am particularly interested in society and food, how do we deal with this, our 'cultural asset'? How important is food today, in the age of Facebook and Instagram? Society in the digital transformation."

cv | exhibitions  publication

Artist in Residency Iceland / Sim Residency / Korpulfsstadir

Meisterschülerabschluß / graduation as master student

Meisterschülerstudium / Masterclass studies

Coorperation with Anna Uddenberg ———> Live-Performance

Acquisition nomination of the "Kulturstiftung Sachsen" (Cultural Foundation Saxony) by the "Landesverband Bildende Kunst Sachsen e.V." (State Association of Fine Arts Saxony)

Kunstpreis zur Wertschätzung von Lebensmitteln (Art Prize for the appreciation of food), Heidelberger Kunstverein

Residency-Project —— In cooperation with Hansung University and 369ArtSpace —— Seoul / South Korea

Diploma in Visual (Fine) Arts

scholarship for painting Tbilisi/Tiflis-Georgia

scholarship for the 14. International Dresden Summer Academy

studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Dresden / 2013-2017 class of Eberhard Bosslett

co-founding Atelier im Sandkasten(Atelier in the sandbox), participation to the 13th International Dresden Summer Academy - course with Bruno Kuhlmann

participation to the 10th International Summer Academy in Dresden course with Alexander Karner

since 2006
worked as Artist in Dresden

youth arts school Dresden —— "Nature Studies" with Marianne Dextor

1981 born in Ilmenau

exhibitions | cv  publication

«OPEN SPACE» —— Artist in Residency Iceland / Sim Residency / Korpulfsstadir

«Bilderladen / Picture Shop» —— Gallery Holger John

«Meister20» Meisterschülerausstellung / Master-Student Exhibition, Motorenhalle Dresden —— Center for Contemporary Art

«Uniquity Core ID Pitch 3020», with Anna Uddenberg — Live-Performance, Brühls Gallery, Dresden

«Art Prize for the Appreciation of Food», Heidelberger Kunstverein(Art Association)

«Hard, Hot, Hunger», Kunstverein(Art Association) Wolfsburg

«Dresden-Seoul», 369ArtSpace - Seoul / South-Korea

«Diploma Show», Oktogon Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Dresden

«BILDERLADE / Picture ShopN», Gallery Holger John, Dresden

«Meine Häuser II», Deutscher Werkbund, Dresden-Hellerau «New Objects», Medienhaus PENTACON, Dresden

«Annual Exhibition», Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Dresden (Academy of Fine Arts)

2012/13 «Meine Häuser», Galerie im Gang, TU-Dresden

«Druck!», Atelier im Sandkasten

«13th International Summer Academy», Motorenhalle, Dresden «Vernissage», Atelier im Sandkasten, Dresden «Narzissmus Pur», Atelier im Sandkasten, Dresden «Werkausstellung», Atelier im Sandkasten, Dresden «Mixed Pics», Atelier im Sandkasten, Dresden «Art und Förmchen», Atelier im Sandkasten, Dresden

«City-Sketches», Galerie Grafikladen, Dresden «Brücke Dresden», Rathaus, Moritzburg «Grafik», Musemscafé-Käthe Kollwitzhaus, Moritzburg «100 Jahre Hellerau», BG-Akademie, Dresden «Dresden in Berlin», Galerie Kunstraum-Ko, Berlin

Japanisches Palais, Dresden

2007 «10th International Summer Academy», Motorenhalle, Dresden «City-Scapes», Atelier für Kunst und Gestaltung – Olaf Stoy, Bannewitz

«Hewlett-Packard Hype-Gallery», Café Moskau, Berlin

publication | cv  exhibition

2020-22 «Verschwinden / Vanish» - Artbook (with original artworks)
Publisher: Academy of fine Arts (HfBK) Dresden
Edition: 2 original copies + 400 Cataloque copies
———> one of the originals copies is (available for viewing) in the collection of the Dresden Kupferstichkabinett in the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen(Dresden State Art Collections)

Daniel Grams work in this Book: ‚OVER’ | 2020 | Digitalprint On Paper —> what was left of my diploma(-bread-sculpture) ...

2018 «Index Klasse Bosslet / Index Class Bosslet 1997-2019»
Publisher: Eberhard Bosslet
ISBN 978-3-00-060615-1

2014 «rohmaterial sonderausgabe / raw material special issue» - Artbook (with original artworks)
112 Artists / for the 250th Birthday of the HfBK Dresden
Publisher: Academy of fine Arts (HfBK) Dresden
Edition: 125 original Artbooks in 2 Volumes


Studio Daniel Grams

Atelier im Sandkasten / Hanse3 e.V.
Hansastraße 3

01097 Dresden




PRIVAT: Göhrener Weg 9, 01109 Dresden


TAX NUMBER: 202/225/08631

All rights reserved. No unauthorized use, copying or reproduction of the images and/or text, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the artist (see details above).

The artist does not take responsibility for the views expressed in, or contents of external links.

design by Daniel Grams